Friday 4 November 2011


This a migiatory bird
Harike Wetland is among the world's top 10 sanctuaries and has been home to migratory birds for centuries. It is home to rare varieties of avifauna arriving here from different parts of Europe and northern Asia for stay during a major part of the year. During autumn, spring and winter, Harike Pattan turns into a shelter for hundreds of species of birds
this is a egret

egrets were nearly extinct by the beginning of the 20th century. It took a ban on imports and guarding of American nesting colonies to save this bird from this fate. However, the egrets now face extinction once more as the loss of habitat increases due to draining of wetlands.
Egrets lay three to five pale blue eggs in a platform-like nest constructed of sticks. Old nests are repaired and re-used. Egrets feed their young fish, frogs, and snakes. The Great Egret is a magnificent bird watching subject. Its pure white form stands out boldly in any landscape.
The Kingfisher is a small and plump with a very short tail but has disproportionately large head and long dagger-like bill.
Their flight is fast and direct and often very low over the water, and so all you see is a bright blue flash as they pass by Kingfishers are small, unmistakable, bright blue and orange birds. They live near slow moving or still water. They fly rapidly, low over water, and hunt fish..
this a koel.

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